Online Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Training Course


Renowned Aestheticians & Industry Experts Abi FarrowSaffron Betts create all our online training video content.

  • Voice overed, easy to follow demo videos
  • Immediate start
  • Fully insurable
  • Access from phone or desktop device
  • E-manual & certificate
  • Worldwide accreditation
  • Lifetime access & free updates
  • Access to industry experts for ongoing support
  • Cost-effective upskilling


This course will teach you the latest clinical techniques to reduce stubborn fat pockets. Fat Dissolving Injections are the most successful and popular non-surgical body contouring approaches which can be used on a variety of problem zones such as the abdomen, chin, upper arms, love handles or ‘saddlebags’.

This course will specifically focus on the revolutionary fat dissolving product, Lemon Bottle. This is a great conversion course to teach you how to upgrade you existing skills and use this new, highly demanded product to create unbeatable results.

This course involves theory, and an easy to follow, online step-by-step guided video.


  • This course is suitable for those who already hold a certificate in Fat Dissolving.
  • There is no kit with this course.