UV40464 – Quality management of client care in the hair and beauty sector

Click here to access the front sheet for Assignment UV40464 micropigmentation Client Care and Quality management

Click here to access a client care assignment (completed example)

Remember this is an example and not to be copied and pasted. This example is very detailed but can be used as a guide. On the assignment front sheet there is a example of how to complete the improvement plan.

You can see from the example that references have been used to back opinion’s and strategies. For level 4 assignments you must back up some of your opinions with proven facts.

The Survey 

Using google forms is a great way of constructing and completing a questionnaire. Here is a link to accessing google forms  https://www.google.co.uk/forms/about/

Signing up, for free, to access google platforms is a great way of accessing an online saving place, accessing google doc (that is like word) for writing and sharing your assignments.

Click here for a client survey example produced using google forms

You can use other online survey platforms or go paper based too. The downside of paper based is that you will have to collate the information obtained yourself. With online version’s they are easier to share with clients.

I know that some of you may not have regular clients or a business set up yet but I’m sure that you practice on friends and family so they are classed as clients.

Aim to have about 10 completed surveys to ensure you get plenty of scope to discuss.